Bonjour once again to you lovelies!
Cote d'Ivoire is continuing to have a new adventure, surprise, or trial waiting around each corner and it has been a blast finding out how to react and learn from each one! This mission has taught me many lessons that I will treasure for the rest of my life!
In regards to my early christmas, my fan sadly died this week. It was an ugly and slow death it was hard to watch. First came the screams and the slowness of motion, and then unexpectedly it came to a halt. So I had to suffer a night with no fan and let me tell ya that sweat pool is hopefully the only one I swim in while on my mission. However, the night is always darkest before the dawn, and the next day we went to another apartment to pick up a fresh one. The apartment we went to is called "la maison blanche" and the name fits. It is ginormous, has a grand staircase, multiple balconies, a living room with a piano, an...AC! We just sat in the room with AC for literally 15 minutes it was so nice. Anyway we got back with the new fan and assembling it felt like christmas when I would get a new lego set and I was so excited putting it together. Then finally the moment came where I started it up and it I can only imagine that it is like what it will feel like when we enter into the Celestial Kingdom, enough said.
I had my interview with President Lewis on Thursday and it was fantastic! He really helped me have a stronger knowledge of my purpose as a missionary and my love for this work. My mission president is awesome and he's the best other missions can fight me. I liken interviews with the mission president to a Bachelorette cocktail party. A bunch of people waiting around waiting to talk to someone talking about random stuff but all they want to do is just talk to the person and when they have their turn it goes by so fast and when it is done you just want to go back and keep talking! Yeah it's a weird parallel I know haha.
So probably one of the hardest challenges to face while serving here is the difficulty of feeling the Spirit. Either during lessons, sacrament meeting, or just while walking down the street. There are A LOT of distractions here and they vary in many forms. It can be from children, animals, bugs, loud fans or just loudness in general, or just weird customs that some people have here that I am not used to. I don't want to get to into it too much because I don't want to sound like I'm bashing my mission but that has probably been one of the hardest adjustments since you know, the Spirit is vital in teaching and just going about you day in general. However it has really helped me increase my tolerance and my focus so it has been getting better!
The work is going great! Frère Odilon and Frère Christ are seeming to be on track to be baptised this Saturday so that's exciting! Their baptismal interviews are on Tuesday so pray for them! We found some new amis who seem really interested in our church! One came up to us actually and asked to meet with us and is very excited to meet with us. One we came up to when we saw him studying the Bible outside so we have started teaching him and he has a lot of questions and concerns. He actually reads what we give him though which is rare here, but he just has trouble believing that the Bible isn't the only word of God but hopefully he can come to know of the truthfulness of the Book Of Mormon! This work is awesome and continues to fill my soul with joy!
Sorry for the long email this week haha but I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving this week! Thanksgiving isn't really a thing here but who knows maybe we'll make something special or go out to eat I don't know. But in the Spirit of Thanksgiving...
WEEKLY WISDOM: Be thankful for your challenges and your afflictions because without them it would be impossible to know happiness and joy in this life. We also have the opportunity to learn and grow from our challenges and form ourselves into the saints and disciples of Christ that God wants us to be.
1. Me and my beautiful new fan. I decided to name him Princeton. He's so beautiful.
2. We love the african knock-offs of Coca-Cola and Sprite haha