Monday, January 20, 2020

Blessing Those Rains- Week 15

It's weird looking back over the week and saying to myself, "Eh not much happened this week" but then I realised how funny it was to call a week as a missionary a normal week because EVERY week is an amazing growing and spiritual experience as I am becoming a better disciple of Christ and child of God. 

I would say that this week is one of the most progression in regards to my confidence in doing this work and in my french! My companion let me lead the sector this week which means I started all of the lessons and lead all of the planning and study sessions so it's like I was senior companion for the week. At first I was really stressed because I would teach and testify during the lessons but never really leading and deciding how each lesson will go. However, it was actually an awesome experience and I'm really feeling like I can actually do this for two years! I"m starting to feel like I can actually start teaching by the Spirit better rather than just worrying about my french the whole lesson.

The work is going great! We had our baptismal interview for Sr Flore and it went great! She is getting baptised this Saturday and I think I'll be the one to baptise her which will be an awesome opportunity to perform this sacred ordinance for her!

I gave a talk for one of my wards yesterday and it wasn't exactly the same as my last Dan Jones-ish talk but I still feel like I did a good job encouraging the members to share their love that comes with this Gospel. Even in my still limited french.

WEEKLY WISDOM: Usually the greatest things in this life come from the hardest things. When you encounter a problem, see it as an opportunity to learn and grow and not just sit and pout about it.

Je vous aime et n'oubliez pas que votre Père Céleste vous aime!
Elder Perkins

1- Companion time
2-4 The RHS, MDT friends kept gathering when they realize mini Kartch was there! Mini Kartch got to do Star's from Mean Girls on the big stage too!

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