Monday, February 3, 2020

Au Revoir Beago- Week 18

Bonjour chère frères et soeurs
This week has been super fun and crazy so let's dive in!

Well first off, we got our calls for transfers Saturday night and I was transferred to the sector Selmer in the Yopougon Attié Zone! I'm super excited for a change of scene but it was also pretty sad saying goodbye to all of my amis and the members that I have gotten to know so well. It was my first sector so they all remember when I was absolutely terrible at french and now I'm only slightly terrible at french haha.

 In addition to my transfer, in the words of Elder Van Pelt from the movie Best Two Years..."This is it elder...junior companion... to District Leader!" I am also the Chef de District! I am super excited to be able to advance this work and help others in my district as well! I think I'm most excited to conduct baptismal interviews because I can see and hear the testimonies of all of the baptismal candidates in my district and it is such an honor! With this calling comes power. And as we all know, with great power, comes great responsibility!

Another fun time was that we went to clean the ward building again with our zone leaders and also the young men of their ward. It was super fun because we deep cleaned it and also cut the grass around the baptismal font out back. They were using machetes and rakes so it was maybe a little dangerous but it was fun. There are pictures below.

Ah I forgot to talk about my new companion! He's Elder Adams and he's from Utah like me so it's going to be a party but we're still going to work hard obviously. He came a transfer after me so we're basically on the same level and I know that we both will great things together! 

It's kind of been a long and tiring day making my over here too haha. by the time I got to the general area of the apartment, my comp was actually at a different apartment because he couldn't be alone either but I didn't know that. The taxi dropped me off with all of my suitcases and I didn't know where to go. Luckily a kind old lady offered to watch my bags while I looked for the apartment. Now you may think that's unwise but that's what's great about africa is that people are actually super nice and trustworthy. I found the apartment but simply asking "Do you know where the whites live?" and I found it in probably 5 minutes haha. Like I said they weren't there so I went back to my bags which were still there of course and just sat in the shade for a bit until they came. It was a little stressful but it actually gave me a lot of confidence in the language so I see it as a blessing.

As always, I love my mission and my sacred calling as a servant of my Heavenly Father! Let this next transfer be amazing! Thank you for all of your prayers and support!

Elder Perkins

1. A very common sign on many walls in Cote d'Ivoire. I would explain it but it's a little inappropriate haha. Basically in Cote d'ivoire, if you gotta go, you go. Use google translate to help you out haha
2. "Mowing" the weeds near the baptismal font.
3. Hard at work as always!
4. VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED haha. They found a rat while mowing and the one with the machete was very quick to kill it. Maybe just don't zoom in haha
5. Dope pic with the boys haha
6. One of my favorite kids in Beago. Her name is Oskan and she's super hyper so it's hard to get a good pic but I tried.

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